Quick Start

A quick guide to getting started with RocketBlend.

Install RocketBlend

Before getting started with RocketBlend, ensure it's installed on your system. You can use tools like go install, package managers like Homebrew and Scoop or grab a pre-compiled binary at the official releases page.

For more details, or for other options, see the installation guide.

Create a new project

Once you have everything ready, you can create your first project! Open a terminal in your desired location and run the command rocketblend new hello-world

$ rocketblend new hello-world
⣻ Creating project...

To see a more detailed output of what's happening, add the -v flag.

In the example above we can see it installing the default build github.com/rocketblend/official-library/packages/blender/builds/stable/3.4.1

Once complete you'll have a new .blend project and a rocketfile.yaml file used to define all your packages for your project.

$ ls
hello-world.blend  rocketfile.yaml

Install a package

To install a package, you can run the rocketblend install command. RocketBlend uses references to install packages from remote sources such as Github. You can create your own packages or use ones already defined online, but the easiest way to get started is to use the official library.

$ rocketblend install github.com/rocketblend/official-library/packages/blender/builds/stable/2.93.9
⣯ Installing package...

In this example, we're changing the project to use a Blender 2.93 build.

If you have purchased a build or addon, you can create a custom package definition locally. Then use the rocketblend insert command to insert it into your library.

Running this command without specifying a package will install all dependencies for a project. This is particularly helpful when sharing projects across multiple machines.

Open a project

With the project successfully configured, you can initiate it by executing the rocketblend run command. Blender will then launch with all the necessary dependencies defined for the project.

Addon injection is still very much a work-in-progress feature so is turned off by default. It can be turned on by running the command: rocketblend config feature.addons -s true

Last updated